Welcome to Environmental Diagnostics Corporation
(EDC). Managing indoor environments is easier
with the proper documentation from experienced
professionals. Our highly commended proactive,
reactive, and mold assessments, cutting edge
sampling methods, and interpretative tools make
EDC a leader in the industry.
Indoor Air Quality:
The value of a Proactive
Indoor Air Quality
Program is demonstrated
by the value added
to a property. An
indoor air quality
monitoring program
shows a property
manager or owner’s
concern for tenant
well-being, a desire
to maintain good
tenant relations,
and to decrease
complaints translating
into tenant retention.
The cooperative
partnership established
with building operations
staff maximizes
maintenance efforts
and reduces potential
operations problems.
Documentation of
an independent building
assessment provides
liability protection
while supporting
the asset value
of the property.
& Humidity
The winter and summer
comfort zones overlap
in the 73ºF to
75ºF range. In
this temperature zone,
people in the summer
type clothing may
tend to feel slightly
cool whereas those
in winter dress may
tend toward feeling
slightly warm.
& CO2
Carbon dioxide measurements
in a commercial building
are typically the
most economical way
to determine ventilation
performance. Two methods
of recording carbon
dioxide levels are
Odor Investigations
Ventilation rates, HVAC system performance,
temperature, and humidity can also
affect the intensity of odors. Odors
can be in particulate or gaseous
(fume, vapor, mist, etc.) form.
Volatiles Product
outgassing can cause Volatile organic
compounds VOC concentrations to
persist in the indoor air for an
extended period. Factors that affect
indoor concentrations and therefore
the degree of exposure, include:
ventilation exchange rates, temperature,
humidity, and the characteristics
of the source itself.
Particulates Dust
and airborne particulate matter,
whether indoors or outdoors, can
affect many aspects of everyday
life. Epidemiological studies have
shown a strong association between
small sized respiratory dust and
increased morbidity and mortality.
Microbials Many
bacteria, especially anaerobic ones,
produce odorous MVOCs that microbiologists
use to identify bacterial isolates.
Drinking Water
The Safe Drinking Water Act of December
16, 1974 mandated the establishment
of drinking water regulations. The
U.S. EPA was authorized to set national
drinking water regulations and oversee
the implementation of the SDWA.
State governments through their
health departments or environmental
agencies were to accept the responsibility
for the implementation and enforcement
of the SDWA's provisions.
Lead in Water Sampling
and analysis should determine if
soluble lead is in the drinking
water supply above the EPA action
level of 20 ppb for commercial buildings
or schools and 15 ppb for residences.
Legionella Of the
many concerns associated with indoor
air quality, one of the most feared
yet preventable is the presence
of Legionella bacteria. This bacteria
is associated with Legionnaires'
disease as well as Pontiac fever,
both of which are increasingly common
and serious health concerns.